JONES-YOWELL FAMILY CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC a.k.a. > Version: 3.0 Effective: 13-Sep-2006 Text File: C097.TXT Image Folder: C97 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 HISTORY ........ : Sallie M. King Harbin in 1995 Joe Robinson at in Feb-2005 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ .6 miles east of Madison Latitude NN34 36.745 x Longitude W83 11.161 CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ Rowan Fairgrove Gen Forum Jones I don't recognize these folks. The SC Jabez had kids who did wind up in TX too. "The Heritage of Oconee County, Volume 1 1868-1995 JABEZ JONES, born January 1, 1776, left his home, Culpeper County, Virginia, and arrived in Pendleton District, SC sometime between 1800 and 1810. He established residence with his former neighbors in Culpeper County, VA, the JAMES YOWELL famly, who had already arrived there in 1793, settling in the present-day community of Madison, SC. Being a very intelligent and industrious man, he quickly acquired land of his own. In 1809, JABEZ JONES married MARY (POLLY) YOWELL, daughter of JAMES YOWELL and their first child, JOSHUA YOWELL JONES, was born June 16, 1810. When his father- in-law died on October 20, 1814, Jabez Jones bought the plantation from his mother-in-law and continued to live there. By his character and integrity, JABEZ JONES attained prominence in Pendleton District making him eligible to be appointed commissioner of the west area of present-day Oconee County. When it was proposed to divide Pendleton District into Pickens and Anderson Districts, JABEZ JONES was appointed chairman of the committee to select the site for the courthouse of Pickens District. The courthouse stood in the midst of a small planned village located on Highway 183 from Walhalla on a ridge just before reaching Duke Power Nuclear Center. This was done in 1828 and in 1868 Pickens District became Oconee and Pickens Counties of SC. As soon as the Southern Railway was completed in 1873 through Madison, known then as Fort Madison, JABEZ JONES bought from the first shipment of cook stoves to arrive by train to the Madison Community. No longer did the womenfolk of his household have to cook over an open fireplace. ALLEN JONES and BARTON JONES went to Texas to seek their fortunes. MARY JONES married THOMAS STRIBLING and lived in the Richland Community. MARTHA JONES married WILLIAM DAVID SLOAN. He was the first sheriff of Oconee County, SC. Later, they moved to Pontotoc County, Mississippi, where he was the first sheriff there. SELENA JONES married CLARK PERRY, son of Revolutionary soldier, NATHANIEL PERRY who lived in the Oxaway Community. JOSHUA YOWELL JONES, the first son, married MARGARET TOWERS, daughter of John Towers of Stone Mountain, GA. JOSHUA YOWELL JONES had met her when she was visiting her brother, Leonard Towers, builder and owner of the home now owned by Charles G. Barrett. Their son, JOEL REID JONES, married SALLIE MOSS, of Homer, Georgia. They moved to Royston, Georgia. Their daughter, SUDIE JONES, married JAMES ARTHUR KING and lived in Westminster, SC. Their daughters, IMOGENE JONES married to DAN GILES and SALLIE MAE JONES, married to SHELOR HARBIN continue to live in Westminster. Another daughter, OLIVE JONES, now deceased, married IRA EUGENE HILL and lived in Charlotte, North Carolina. When JOEL REID JONES moved to Royston, Georgia in 1907 his family was the fourth generation to have lived in the 2-story log house at Madison. The house, built by his great-grandfather JAMES YOWELL JONES, had been covered with clapboards in the late 1800s. The house was razed in the decade of 1970s Submitted by: Joe Robinson at in Feb-2005 o----------o From: "Jane Benson" <> Subject: [JONES-L] Descendents of JABEZ JONES Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:48:16 -0500 I can never figure out why people don't read an entire message but THIS IS ONE that you simply MUST READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH for somebody's BRICKWALL is about to be shattered! I've lost the message sent the other day on Joel Reid Jones and need someone to resend that one to me ASAP! This is an article from "The Heritage of Oconee County, Volume ! 1868-1995, that another researcher sent to me and it is WONDERFULLY CHOCKED FULL OF INFORMATION! JABEZ JONES, born January 1, 1776, left his home, Culpeper County, Virginia, and arrived in Pendleton District, SC sometime between 1800 and 1810. He established residence with his former neighbors in Culpeper County, VA, the JAMES YOWELL famly, who had already arrived there in 1793, settling in the present-day community of Madison, SC. Being a very intelligent and industrious man, he quickly acquired land of his own. In 1809, JABEZ JONES married MARY (POLLY) YOWELL, daughter of JAMES YOWELL and their first child, JOSHUA YOWELL JONES, was born June 16, 1810. When his father-in-law died on October 20, 1814, Jabez Jones bought the plantation from his mother-in-law and continued to live there. By his character and integrity, JABEZ JONES attained prominence in Pendleton District making him eligible to be appointed commissioner of the west area of present-day Oconee County. When it was proposed to divide Pendleton District into Pickens and Anderson Districts, JABEZ JONES was appointed chairman of the committee to select the site for the courthouse of Pickens District. The courthouse stood in the midst of a small planned village located on Highway 183 from Walhalla on a ridge just before reaching Duke Power Nuclear Center. This was done in 1828 and in 1868 Pickens District became Oconee and Pickens Counties of SC. As soon as the Southern Railway was completed in 1873 through Madison, known then as Fort Madison, JABEZ JONES bought from the first shipment of cook stoves to arrive by train to the Madison Community. No longer did the womenfolk of his household have to cook over an open fireplace. ALLEN JONES and BARTON JONES went to Texas to seek their fortunes. MARY JONES married THOMAS STRIBLING and lived in the Richland Community. MARTHA JONES married WILLIAM DAVID SLOAN. He was the first sheriff of Oconee County, SC. Later, they moved to Pontotoc County, Mississippi, where he was the first sheriff there. SELENA JONES married CLARK PERRY, son of Revolutionary soldier, NATHANIEL PERRY who lived in the Oxaway Community. JOSHUA YOWELL JONES, the first son, married MARGARET TOWERS, daughter of John Towers of Stone Mountain, GA. JOSHUA YOWELL JONES had met her when she was visiting her brother, Leonard Towers, builder and owner of the home now owned by Charles G. Barrett. Their son, JOEL REID JONES, married SALLIE MOSS, of Homer, Georgia. They moved to Royston, Georgia. Their daughter, SUDIE JONES, married JAMES ARTHUR KING and lived in Westminster, SC. Their daughters, IMOGENE JONES married to DAN GILES and SALLIE MAE JONES, married to SHELOR HARBIN continue to live in Westminster. Another daughter, OLIVE JONES, now deceased, married IRA EUGENE HILL and lived in Charlotte, North Carolina. When JOEL REID JONES moved to Royston, Georgia in 1907 his family was the fourth generation to have lived in the 2-story log house at Madison. The house, built by his great-grandfather JAMES YOWELL JONES, had been covered with clapboards in the late 1800s. The house was razed in the decade of 1970s. (This article was submitted by Sallie M. King Harbin, Westminster, SC from the book "The Heritage of Oconee County, Volume 1 1868-1995) Submitted by From: Jane Benson at in 10-jun-1999 o----------o Col. Benjamin Cleveland had a son named Absalom. Absalom had a child Sally Cleveland who married Joshua Yowell. Joshua's daughter Patsy (Martha) Yowell married William Eddins. Source: Unknown TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife FIELDS, Gladys Pearl, b. 1908 & d. 1908, d/o V. & M. Fields FIELDS, Martha Anderson, b. 1885, d. 1908, w/o Vance W. Fields JONES, ?, b. 27-Dec-1852 d. 16-Jan-1853, d/o Joshua Y. Jones JONES, Amanda Perry, b. 31-Mar-1858 d. 21-Nov-1882, d/o Joshua Y. Jones JONES, Caroline Doyle, b. 12-Sept-1840 d. 12-Jun-1879, d/o J.A. Doyle, w/o Joel Ephraim Jones JONES, Jabez, b. 1-Jan-1776, d. 15-Oct-1859 JONES, James D., b. 2-Oct-1907 d. 20-Feb-1908, s/o J.D. & Annabel Jones JONES, James Dendy Jr., b. 2-Oct-1906, s/o J.D. Jones JONES, Joel Ephraim, b. c1830-35, d. after 1897, s/o Jabez Jones JONES, John Allen, b. 13-Sep-1846, d. 7-May-1861, s/o Joshua Y. Jones JONES, Joshua Yowell, b. 16-Jun-1816, d. 23-Oct-1876, s/o Jabez Jones JONES, Margaret Towers, b. 16-Nov-1821, d. aft. 1876, w/o Joshua Yowell Jones, d/o John Towers JONES, Mary Rebecca Chew, b. 5-Jul-1855, d. 7-Feb-1865, d/o Joshua Y. Jones SAGE, Augustus Foreacre, b. 1-Jun-1880, d. 3-Jan-1881, s/o John Crane Sage & Susan Jones Sage SLOAN, Billy, s/o William David Sloan & Martha Jones Sloan YOWELL, Allen, b. c1778, d. aft. 1808, s/o James Yowell YOWELL, James, b. c1744, d. 20 Oct 1814 YOWELL, Joshua, b. 1773 d. 1814, s/o James Yowell YOWELL, Mary, d. after 1814, w/o James Yowell YOWELL, Mary (Polly) Jones, b. c1782 d. aft. 1859, d/o James Yowell w/o Jabez Jones YOWELL, Sallie Cleveland, w/o Joshua Yowell, d/o Absalom Cleveland